Creating the perfect climate for people to shine is one of the keys to our success: we are an organisation of people who care about people.
This is how we turn talent management into successful outcomes:
The health and wellbeing of our staff is at the heart of our strategy and a guarantee of successful results. We make great products in a people-friendly setting.
We reach out, train, encourage promotion and support the team’s professional development throughout their career.
Our staff’s physical and mental health is our concern. Healthy, happy people are an essential ingredient of functioning organisations.
We all get involved because we all add up: we spread hope and build trusting relationships.
There is no greater competitive edge than a team that works together, satisfied and identifying with the organisation. We take care of our team because without them we would not be the reliable, quality and effective partner we are.
Good habits: we implemented healthy habits and started daily stretching.
We share: we held the first convention with all our staff to involve everyone equally. The challenges and objectives met at SPB are the work of us all.
We are supportive: we want SPB’s values to contribute to social change. We joined AESOV (Valencian Association for Corporate Volunteering) and implemented our first environmental, outreach and educational volunteering programmes.
We worked magic! With “The Magic of Chemistry” we brought science to children and young adults -some in difficult situations- to connect, entertain and advance their interest in the world around us.
We build pathways: for the first time we established the foundations of the skills development system through which we improve the skillsets of our staff and therefore our capabilities.
Inspiring guides: we compiled our first list of corporate values
We all train: it was the management team’s turn to do training with a sharing experience in a group-coaching format for managers.
“I Have Breakfast” project: an example of our involvement in healthy habits and a direct expression of the matters defined in the management team’s training course. Running a business means working with a group of people and taking care of them is the best way to succeed.
Commitments: we joined the world’s largest corporate responsibility initiative (publication of the 1st Corporate Social Responsibility report in Global Compact) to improve the lives of our employees and the society we live in.
Teamwork objective: thanks to the project “Growing as a Manager”, all the staff were given training in skills and values such as appreciation, responsibility, respect and cooperation.
Research vocation: we partnered with the University of Valencia school of psychology on the “Identifying Hot Spots and Places of Major Freezes” initiative, promoting research in the creation of dispute-resolution environments.
Safety: we instilled safe behaviours through the “Because I Love You” project.
We join in the change: we signed up to the Luxembourg Declaration with clear ideas around promoting health and mainstreaming it into our strategies.
Back to Uni: we collaborated with the University of Valencia school of psychology on a three-year programme to pinpoint wellbeing and sustainable development.
We learn together: with the “My Internal and External Balance” workshop we helped each staff member become agents of their own health, as part of the corporate wellness culture.
Our leading formula, the Wellness Formula: SPB was keen to enable a wellness culture integrated in our strategy and structure. We wanted to promote good habits across diet and sport, health and wellbeing, volunteering and diversity, equality and the work-life balance. We got the entire team involved in monitoring, preventing, detecting and acting for themselves and their colleagues in these areas. We got other companies and institutions onboard because Valencia is a committed society.
Healthy bodies and minds: we offered staff a medicine and osteopathy service and organised the “Navigating Emotions” experiential workshop.
We communicate: we launched our own social network, Yammer, to share everything we are passionate about with our colleagues.
Seeking optimisation: we provided staff with the services of a company coach and psychologist to work with in seminars to help us reach our full potential.
We like engagement: we implemented extrarole performance appraisals.
We want to be resilient: we organised a diagnosis under the HERO (HEalthy and Resilient Organisation) model and developed action plans.
We publish part of our culture: we released our positive leadership guidelines and the first code of ethics and conduct. We also updated company values through participatory practices.
We meditate together: we ran an experiential Mindfulness induction workshop to learn how to relax and minimise anxiety. It was designed to boost attention and promote sleep and rest.
We settle differences: we provided the management team with dispute-resolution skills through the “Mediation for Managers and Works Council” training session.
We look after the health of our society: through the “Valencia Shines” project, we gave suppliers, customers, partners and institutions the chance to join in promoting good practices that result in healthy organisations.
We posted bright, shiny figures with our “People Who Shine: Healthy and Caring Organisations” initiative that involved 58 organisations and saw 4,658 people running a total of 1,659,082 km to help raise €44,235. We were recognised by the Human Resources Observatory for this contribution to health and wellness monitoring.
We take care of our most valuable asset: we took out health insurance for the entire team. We also organised innovation events across health areas, upholding the legacy of People Who Shine.
We listen to grow: we took values, voices and insights around the economic, social and environmental impact of our stakeholders, including the society of which we are a part, and onboarded them into our strategy.
Values in constant evolution: we adapted to the times and evaluated our performance. This made us keen to redefine our Corporate Social Responsibility model.