Last November, SPB held its second innovation conference, focused on cultural transformation and change management, led by Alberto Terol, who is currently leading digital change management at Ferrovial, although he has also worked in other large corporations such as 3M and Iberia.
Sometimes we use these terms so much that we forget their true meaning and find it difficult to put them into practice in our daily activities. The aim of this session was to get to know new points of view regarding change management and transformation and to bring them to a field such as ours.
Alberto Terol, an Industrial Organisation Engineer, has always been closely linked to people and has always been attracted to innovation, as he has been in charge of innovation from the very beginning, with the aim of improving processes, but also the situation of customers and employees.
What he considers to be the best innovation methodologies, the importance of error, who should innovate in a company and how to get the areas involved and approach the innovation ecosystem, people and new technologies or the need for good communication are just some of the issues that arose in this day.
We share this complete session, this second chapter of the iSPB Days, which we have entitled Transformation and change management at 3M, Iberia and Ferrovial with Alberto Terol.